Why CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) Is Important & Indian Response To It

Why CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) Is Important & Indian Response To It.  

There is a lot of talk in the media about the CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) so often. According to media reports, this project will prove to be a game changer in the region especially for Pakistan. Today we will analyze how important this project is? and why China needs it. And to what extent and how much will it benefit from this country, this project is directly connected with  five Countries, the first of which is China, the second is China’s main partner Pakistan, the third Iran, Afghanistan and the fifth country is India itself. India has openly opposed this project for various reasons. Before we go into details, let's review the CPEC, CPEC is not a name of any single project. It is a collection of many projects, including energy railways, airport gas pipelines and other industrial zones, and many other similar projects. The main cause of tension regarding this project is that, China and its financiers are financing the whole project on their own because China will benefit most from these project. s, Because china need access to EU markets and through CPEC, it is easy for China to access to European countries. Through this, CPEC China can get access to the targeted markets with minimum coast. After completion of CPEC China will be able to save $ 2 billion per year from only import and export. Before we tell you how China wants to fulfill its intentions, and why India has objected to this project, You should know that Pakistan has three different maps. In fact, there are at least three maps of Pakistan. One is that which Pakistan considers itself, which also includes Pakistan-controlled Kashmir like Azad Kashmir, which includes Gilgit-Baltistan and Jammu and Kashmir. The other map is that, It does not include any of these disputed areas and the third is the one that covers all the areas that are now realy under Pakistan’s control. CPEC is not starting from a place which is neither part of India nor is it completely part of Pakistan, that place is the region of Pakistan Gilgit-Baltistan which is along the border of China. Pakistan is connected to China through this Gilgit-Baltistan area. There is a dispute between Pakistan and India. India says that passing the CPEC from this area is not permissible under international law because it is a disputed between India and Pakistan and India that is why India opposed CPEC. The other reason for India’s opposition is the China's growing control in Arabian Sea.
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